Bhiksuni Voramai Kabilsingh


Bhiksuni Voramai Kabilsingh (ordained as Bhiksuni Ta Tao Fa Tzu) was born in 1908. She started her education in a Catholic school and was the first woman to graduate with a degree in physical education. In 1932 she traveled from Thailand to Singapore by bicycle with a group of boy scouts. She spent many years as a journalist and editor of a local weekly magazine. She married in 1946, and bore one child, Chatsumarn Kabilsingh.

Voramai Kabilsingh started her monastic life by receiving the 8 precepts from Pra Prommuni, the Vice Abbot of Wat Bavornnives. Later she went to Taiwan and received bhiksuni ordination in 1971. For 32 years she authored a Buddhist magazine. Also, she cared for the poor and needy by providing food and clothing.

She sponsored the ordination of more than one hundred bhikkhus in Thailand , and cast an equal number of Buddha images for rural temples.