Bhiksuni Chang Heng
Bhiksuni Chang Heng, a blessing to the Buddha, exemplifies a life well spent in devotion to the Triple Gem and humanity at large. At the age of 18, she ordained as a Bhiksuni (1978) in Taiwan , and went on to accept the responsibility of being the Abbess of Sau Seng Lum Temple at the age of 19. Her creative vision has been directed towards 4 missions: Medicine, Charitable Work, Culture & Education.
Bhiksuni Chang Heng founded and is the President of: Sau Seng Lum Haemodialysis Center (authorized by the Minister of Works of Malaysia and a recipient of ISO 9001:2000 status, the first NGO in Malaysia to receive this status), Sau Seng Lum Stroke Center (the first NGO officially recognized and awarded certification by the Social Security Organization of Malaysia), Sau Seng Lum Dialysis & Stroke Rehabilitation Center, and founded the Sau Seng Lum Mobile Clinic. Bhiksuni Chang Heng registered her organization under the Social Organizations Act of Malaysia and went on to establish The Dragon-Riding Bodhisattva Guan Shi Yin Charitable Fund to assist the poor and the needy. Subsequently she received, “The Outstanding Youth Malaysia Award” for humanitarian and volunteer social services from the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in 2001.
Bhiksuni Chang Heng of Malaysia has worked to enhance cultural understanding and education in her community via: renovation of Sau Seng Lum Temple; receipt of sacred art and statues from the Sangha Raja of Thailand; housing the largest reclining Jade Buddha statue in Malaysia; establishing Sau Seng Lum’s Multi-Purpose Exhibition Hall; establishing a Dharma Sunday School, Junior Education Enrichment Classes and the “Sau Seng Lum Quarterly Newsletter;” establishing the Sau Seng Lum Computer Lab and Library; and establishing the Sau Seng Lum Herbal Tea House to serve the public tea and health education.
Bhiksuni Chang Heng distributed Loving Charity Cards to fund-raise for heamodialisys patients, and Loving Cards of Appreciation and Respect for Seniors. She has also coordinated and organized international conferences, and was the President of the Organizing Committee of the 9th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in 2006. Bhiksuni Chang Heng serves as a beacon of hope for Buddhist women in southeast Asia.