Reverend Patricia Dai-En Bennage
Reverend Patricia Dai-En Bennage is the Abbess of Mt. Equity Zendo in Pennsdale, Pennsylvania, USA. She became a student of Buddhism in 1958 after reading A Manual of Zen by D.T. Suzuki. She resided in Japan studying and teaching Buddhism for 23 years, and received Soto Zen priest precepts. She trained at the Women’s Soto Zen Monastery in Nagoya, Japan. Then Patricia received Transmission and continued onwards for senior-most training as a teacher, Roshi. Certified in 1990, she traveled to France to study with Bhikkhu Thich Nhat Hanh and joined the Order of Interbeing.
Reverend Patricia Dai-En Bennage has served as a translator for Abbess Shundo Aoyama Roshi at international conferences and also translated Roshi Aoyama’s book, Zen Seeds.
While in Japan Reverend Patricia Dai-En Bennage taught meditation (zazen) at Kasamatsu Women’s Prison and also taught at several federal prisons in the USA.
In addition she has offered meditation courses at Bucknell University.