Wang Sha-Ho


Wang Sha-Ho founded Ji Shi Qi Kong Health Center which facilitates physical &mental well-being & an international youth center to facilitate Taiwanese youth interacting with youth around the world.

She offers counseling to the unemployed, divorced, suicidal, the incarcerated, Dhamma youth camps teaching compassion, respect for parents &teachers & plants seeds of goodness in people’s hearts

Wang Sha-Ho organized an inter-sectarian Buddhist conference uniting Mahayana & Theravada monastics to chant the Buddha’s name for 24 hours.

She offers Dhamma study tours from Taiwan to Thailand, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Tibet & China to provide offerings to monastics. Wang Sha-Ho founded the Bodhi Triyana Buddhist Association uniting Taiwan with Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche & Sherabling Monastery in India.