Tsewang Dolma


Tsewang Dolma is the Principal of the Mahabodhi Residential School in Ladakh, India. One of the students in the first batch to attend this school, she received Venerable Sanghasena’s help and cultivation and as an excellent student eventually became its Principal.

As she grew up and studied in Ladakh, she has a deep understanding of the region and the Mahabodhi Residential School. Thus, since 2012, they have been very fortunate to have her as their Principal.

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Child Psychology, she meets the educational and emotional needs of her students. She not only helps a child to gain knowledge about various subjects, but also helps a child to recognize his/her strengths and weaknesses thereby empowering him/her to be a better human being. She connects with her students in many ways and reaches them on multiple levels, because she remains committed to her students both inside and outside of the classroom. She has been able to influence many students to go far beyond academic achievement.

Tsewang Dolma’s beautiful skills of inspiration, compassion, curiosity and resilience, ultimately, at the end of the day bring the highest degree of satisfaction to her and her students.

She is an honored disciple of Venerable Sanghasena and an admired Principal of many students who have a bright future because they look up to her as their inspiration and role model.