Kullanit Kaewkao


Kullanit Kaewkao


Kullanit Kaewkao, known by her nickname, Nit, is 64 years old. She is a retired kindergarten school teacher. Beloved by her students, colleagues, family and community. She earned her Bachelor’s degree, and gave birth to 2 children who have since graduated with their B.A. degrees and found employment.

The remarkable thing about some kindergarten teachers is their deep commitment to the well-being of their children at school, a courageous, protective, mother-lion quality. This attribute can then be aptly applied in a variety of other situations as Kullanit Kaewkao exhibited in December of 2022.

As the monsoon rains came to Southern Thailand, they were particularly fierce due to the effects of global warming. A dry crossway became a raging river. The temple of a senior-citizen, white-robed nun, who resides alone became separated from the village. The flooding lasted for days. The nuns’ food was running out.

Kullanit Kaewkao braved the crossing as the water current pushed against her. Through chest-high, moving waters, with a basket full of food on her head balanced by one hand, and a 4-stacked ‘pinto’ holding hot food held above the water in her other hand, she risked her life and slowly step-by-step found her footing to cross the very wide flood waters.

A simple slip would have cost her life. She delivered the food to the nun, rested, dried up, and risked the crossing a second time to return to the village.

Kullanit Kaewkao is honored as an Outstanding Woman in Buddhism for her deep faith in Buddhism and her bravery to serve her community.