Bhikkhuni Sumangala
Bhikkhuni Sumangala
Venerable Bhikkhuni Sumangala holds a B.A. in Psychology, a M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and a M.A. in Buddhist Philosophy. Born on December 25, 1966, she was a happy and energetic child. During her youth her cousin, as well as, a schoolmate passed away. Thus, she wondered about the meaning of life. By 19, she saw people meditating with a monastic and her search deepened with continued study with teachers thereafter.
In 2004, inspired by the late Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Mahatherā, she decided to start a bhikkhuni training center to complete the Fourfold Assembly for Theravadin practice: bhikkhu, bhikkhuni, upasaka and upasika. In 2005, she became an Anagarika. In 2015, she took Bhikkhuni ordination in Indonesia at its first such activity. In the same year, she pioneered the formation and registration of Ariya Vihara, Malaysia's 1^st^ Theravada Bhikkhuni Nunnery and Dhamma Training Center. In 2019 she received government allocated land to begin the project with construction to begin mid-2024
From 2014-2023, she inspired six short-term Theravada Samaneris; the first three Cambodian samaneris to go forth for good, and assisted more than 50 bhikkhunis in ordinations in Bodhgaya, India.
Bhikkhuni Sumangala lives skilfully by the Dhamma.