Bhikkhuni Abhaya
Bhikkhuni Abhaya
Venerable Bhikkhuni Abhaya Magga Panna, Vijittra Sutthirat, was born in Chumpon Province to Somboon Sintook, her mother, and Boonsang Sutirat, her father. As a child, she overcame great health obstacles, and developed deep compassion for herself and others.
She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management with emphasis in Financial Banking from Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok.
She received Samaneri ordination and then later Bhikkhuni ordination at the International Women's Meditation Center in Rayong in 2009. She then co-founded a meditation center in Sakhon Nakhon, Silanantawan Arama. She also co-founded the Buddha Dhamma Satri Foundation, where she serves as Vice-President.
She holds the rank of Kammavaca for higher ordination ceremonies, and she also created a Bhikkhuni Patimokkha Handbook.
She is known for her inner strength and endurance. She founded the Sanpoomi Meditation Center in Udon Thani province, Thailand, where she is the Abbess.
Every day, she teaches Dhamma at her temple by reading from the Buddhist Cannon, the Tipitaka, and it is broadcast by large speakers throughout the village.
Bhikkhuni Abhaya, whose name means "fearlessness" teaches laywomen how to do seated and walking meditation, according to the teachings of the Buddha, so that wisdom may develop to see what is true, in order to be released from suffering, and experience Nibbana.