Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen


Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen


Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen having ordained and practiced in a Bhiksuni Sangha, deeply values lifelong education that comes from communal living and learning. She recognizes that contemporary monastics need effective organizational systems for stability. She recognized the profound impact of Bhiksuni education on monastic development. This led her to teach at Luminary Buddhist Institute for over 30 years. She has taught: Calligraphy, Library and Information Usage, Research Methods, Book Review Writing, Special Topics Writing, Sutra and Commentary Reading, Indian Buddhist History, Introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist Studies, Lotus Sutra, as well as, the Shurangama Sutra. She empowers student Bhiksunis through Dharma teachings and practices. Through her guidance, they develop right views, compassionate aspirations, and active commitment. This empowers them with inner strength for dedicated practice.

Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen manages the library of the Luminary International Buddhist Society. She earned her Master's Degree in Educational Media and Library Sciences. Her mentor, Venerable Master Bhiksuni Wu-Yin, reminded her: "All our work benefits the entire Buddhist community." She modernized the Taiwanese library system for Buddhist texts, as well as, contributed to the categorical modernization of mainland China's collection. For nearly four decades, she has overseen major transitions in library services. These transitions included: shifting from paper to digital formats, moving from physical to virtual collections, and upgrading from manual to AI-powered services. For these efforts, she was awarded: the Taiwan Ministry of Education's Award: "The Library Service Contribution Award" and the Republic of China's Library Association Award, "30 Years Senior Library Service Award."

Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen, over the past decade, has focused on integrating mindfulness with education. She emphasizes life education and creates friendly campus environments. This has become her platform for serving others. Guided by her aspirations of personal cultivation through benefiting others, Most Venerable Bhiksuni Tzuyen walks the Bodhisattva path.

Current Positions

  1. Vice-Director of Cultural Affairs, Luminary International Buddhist Society

  2. Director, Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

  3. Lecturer, Luminary Buddhist Institute

  4. Editor-in-Chief, Information Management for Buddhist Libraries

  5. Convener and Lecturer, National Mindfulness Training for Educators

  6. Advisory Committee Member, National Taiwan University Digital Library of Buddhist Studies

  7. Special Library Committee Member, Library Association of the Republic of China