Venerable Tsering Palmo
Venerable Tsering Palmo
Tsering Palmo is 59 years old. In 1993, she graduated from the Tibetan Medicine and Astro Institute in Dharamshala. She subsequently interned with the late Dr. Kuga in New Delhi at the Nizammudin Tibetan Medicine and Astro clinic, and also in Kathmandu, Nepal under Dr. Tsering Choki.
In 1991, she became a nun at Dharamshala and received ordination in 1993 at Thekchen Choling Tsuklankang from H.H. the 14^th^ Dalai Lama.
In 1994, she returned to Ladakh and worked in a clinic for 2 years.
In 1996, she established the Ladakh Nuns Association (LNA) with the vision of Lakakhi nuns benefitting their communities as: Dhamma teachers, active social workers, and as Amchis (traditional Tibetan doctors). The creation of the LNA has generated a wide range of interest from nuns and has raised awareness of the situation of nuns among the people of Ladakh, as well as, abroad.
Since 1996, Dr. Palmo has organized teachings and training courses specifically for nuns and laywomen. The LNA also sponsors nuns to study in Buddhist institutions throughout India. These activities and more have led to an increase in the membership of Ladakhi nuns, and at present there are about 1,000 nuns and 10 functioning nunneries.
However, many nuns still have no choice, but to live with their families, therefore, the LNA is working to build new nunneries throughout Ladakh.