Bhikkhuni Nyanapundarika
Bhikkhuni Nyanapundarika
Bhikkhuni Nyanapundarika was born Ni Made Amita Rini in West Lombok City in 1965. She graduated from high school and continued onwards to graduate from Smaratungga Ampel Buddhist College of Science in Central Java. Upon graduation, she entered Sakyawanaram Pacet Cianjur West Java monastery, where she became a novice in 1988 and then a Bhikkhuni in 1989.
As time passed, she received a Sangha assignment to guide and mentor Buddhist youth in various regions of Indonesia. She became the mentor of Indonesian Buddhist Mothers (WBO) in these regions. Also, she was appointed as the Head of the Bhikkhuni Sangha from 2008-2017, and most recently as Chairperson of the Women's Sangha of the Greater Indonesian Sangha.
Nowadays, Bhikkhuni Nyanapundarika Mahatheri travels throughout Indonesia offering Dhamma talks, while maintaining residence at Vihara Sutta Dhamma Lenek Bentek Gangga, in North Lombok, which is the legacy of her parents' efforts.
In 1995, she was Chairwoman of the Sakyadhita Committee in Jogjakarta. In 2018, she carried out earthquake relief efforts after earthquakes struck in both July and August in Lombok which severely damaged four rural Buddhist temples. She provided guidance and support for children, teenagers and young adults throughout this time.
Bhikkhuni Nyanapundarika Mahatheri excels in leadership, development of Indonesia's future by outreach to youth and mothers, compassion to those in need, and wisdom in interfaith relations.