Dhamma Upasika Shalini Vajrachitta
Dhamma Upasika Shalini Vajrachitta
Dhamma Upasika Shalini Vajrachitta was born in Jalgaon District of Maharashtra and inherited her family's commitment to Buddhist activism. Both her father and grandfather were associated with Dr. Ambedkar's movement and her mother, Nirmala, was an activist of the Buddhist Society of India. Since her childhood, she helped needy neighbors and other females.
After accepting a teacher's job in Mumbai, Shalini got married. Then she resolved some family disputes in an amicable manner. When her son entered high school, she had more free time and began social activities. Being an educated woman, she attended and addressed a number of meetings regarding the rights of women. As Indian womenfolk are still engulfed in traditional male-dominated customs and rituals, Dhamma Upasika Shalini Vajrachitta began to prepare women for financial independence by making them aware of their share in the government budget. She organized many Budget Conferences for Women, and taught them the concept of Gender Budget. She also lobbied for adequate funding for Health and Education in government departments.
Shalini initiated the idea of celebrations for the birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar, who wrote India's modern constitution and led a Buddhist revival movement in India. She and colleagues visited more than 500 localities spread throughout Mumbai city and suburban areas and asked followers to celebrate in an ideal manner. On his death anniversary, millions of followers visit Dadar Chaitya Bhumi, where his last rites were performed, and she accepted the challenge of managing the floating mob of millions of people. She initiated a Peaceful Chaitya Bhumi Campaign and organized hundreds of women to wear white clothes and carry banners stating the importance of peace and humbleness. From this beginning, going forward nine years, there is now a park adjacent to the shrine area and even Sikhs offer free food to visitors.
She is a regular Vipassana meditator and decided to go forth as a Samaneri. Thus, she travelled 1,500 km for the opportunity and ordained in Punjab, the NW state of India near Pakistan. As she experienced immense spiritual growth, she again became a Samaneri in Pondicherry 1,300 km away in the south of India. She got her head shaved, wore robes, and went on alms rounds.
Dhamma Upasika Shalini Vajrachitta obtained a B.A. in Pali and by 2026 will have completed her M.A. in Pali studies. This has enhanced her teaching of a message of peace and harmony.